- A grizzled veteran shows how it is done
I’m off. It has been a great ride: five years at the helm of roadcyclinguk.com, that is. Times change and it is time for me to hand over the reins to new ideas and a new direction. So I wish Tim and George the best of luck. Keep up the good work, chaps!
Meanwhile, here’s a selection of highlighs from my tenure:
Claiming to be “svelte” in my first article and getting away with it
Endless arguments on the forum with cycling’s newest and youngest media baron, Fusion Media’s Adam Tranter, before he reached puberty and set about building his empire
Getting a bike pass for stage two of the 2007 Tour de France
Riding around the Longchamp race course in Paris with the great Sean Kelly
Being told off for eating the soft part of a bread roll by said Sean Kelly
Watching Dave “Shiny Boy” Arthur try to eat a 20oz mixed grill the night before the 2008 Dartmoor Classic
Watching DA arrive at the finish the next day
Assembling RCUK’s Style Guidance Notes in a vain attempt to counteract the pernicious influence of various sets of Rules
Riding my moto to Rotterdam for the prologue of the 2010 Tour, which happened to coincide with the launch of the year’s Trek Madone
Going to Majorca for the second time in a year…
And the lowlights…
You think there’s a downside to the job?
Take care out there, readers, and may the road ever rise before you