With regular downpours making the outdoors seem less than tempting we’ve taken the opportunity to look at a Tacx Blue Motion turbo trainer, and two accessories: a trainer tyre and sweat towel.
The trainer is boxed up and requires a small amount of assembly, namely the flywheel attachment needs bolting to the main frame, a two-minute job with the two bolts and included Allen key. Then it is just a case of folding out the two legs and sliding on the rubber feet.

The main frame of the trainer is manufactured from steel and is an A-frame style affair, it feels sturdily made and is secure on it’s feet once set up on a good level floor. Included in the box is a substantial steel quick release lever to replace your normal one, this is designed to take the load of you and the bike so should be used instead of your lightweight titanium number.
The roller itself is on a quick release lever with adjustment to get the correct amount of friction onto the tyre. The axle holders also have a quick release mechanism to aid easy connection of the bike. Both of these, once adjusted, should be set for your bike and not need further attention.
The large flywheel is made from steel and weighs 1.6kg, which combined with neodymium magnets provide up to 950 watts of resistance. There are ten levels of resistance that should allow for everything from an easy warm down to a hard interval style workout. These are adjustments are made via a neat handlebar mounted lever. We note also that Tacx put a lifetime warranty on the roller.
Tacx have also provided with us with a specific trainer tyre for our test. This is entirely blue so as not to be confused with your regular rubber and is a very different prospect to your normal road tyre. When using a normal tyre on a trainer, the heat build up and subsequent tyre wear can be annoying, dangerous and financially ruinous. By using a different type of compound Tacx achieve a tyre that will run at lower temperatures and will have far better wear characteristics for this application. They are not, however, suitable for road use.

Another problem presented by indoor training is the amount of perspiration that will pour off of you (assuming that you are working hard enough). This can do your bike and its components a powerful amount of no good. This is due to it being essentially salt water. Tacx have provided a triangular piece of fabric to sit between the handlebars and saddle to catch sweat and prevent this issue.
The Blue Motion trainer costs £199.99. It is currently set up in the conservatory for training and Strictly Come Dancing avoidance sessions.
Read our full review of the Tacx Blue Motion Trainer here.
Website: Tacx
UK distributor: Fisher Outdoor Leisure