The Ride It! series of sportive events heads to Dorking, Surrey for a ride around the North Downs on 6/7 December.
Priory School, Dorking will be the event headquarters, and all rides will feature challenging climbs as Event Manager Dean Stacey explains: “There is a great deal of ascending at this event, however once up high riders will be rewarded with fantastic views atop of each of the major climbs. The course gives riders a great workout and provides the perfect excuse to scoff a couple of guilt free mince pies this Christmas.”
The medium road route first travels north, climbing up to Ranmore Common, where the gradient eases up as the route loops west and further north before tackling the infamous Zig Zag road to Box Hill. Once these two climbs are out of the way, the route rewards riders with quiet peaceful lanes down towards Newdigate and Ockley and a final climb over Leith Hill before heading back to the event centre.
There will be four pre-marked routes, ranging from 15-70 miles, and each event offers riders free SIS energy food and drink, a free Memory Map OS map for each rider, free kids entry and mechanical service.
Adult entry is £10 per rider. Entries can be purchased on the Evans Cycles website at www.evanscycles.com/rideit and are also taken on the day (subject to a £2.50 surcharge)
The series takes a short break over Christmas and returns on 10/11 January at Chieveley, Berkshire.