It's time to train...
You can use Strava to guide, inform and motivate your winter riding (Pic: Strava)
Strava can provide an exact breakdown of how long you spend in each training zone (Pic: Strava)
Explore new roads to boost winter motivation (Pic: Strava)
Fasted training means riding in a low carbohydrate state, normally in the morning before breakfast
No matter how good your kit is, you can't escape the suffering that comes from riding uphill in the heat (Pic: Strava)
Three Sufferfest videos are available to stream for Strava premium users (Pic: Media 24)
It's time to train...
Strava has changed the way we ride – but there’s more to the ride sharing app and website than pseudo online racing.
Yes, chasing personal bests on segments and King of the Mountains accolades is undeniably addictive – but by no means for everyone – however Strava is also an incredibly useful way to track your riding, with a growing number of features which widen Strava’s appeal from segments and on to serious training.
With the winter training season now in full swing, here are five features you can use to guide, inform and motivate your riding over the months ahead – and if you win a KoM along the way, then all the better!