The Tour de France is cycling’s biggest shop window.
Bike brands often launch their latest products at the Tour de France; products which, in line with UCI regulations, have to be available to the public within a year. Futile breakaways give riders a chance to give their sponsors television airtime, while stage winners cross the line arms aloft not only to celebrate victory, but to proudly display their branded jerseys.

It’s little surprise, then, that bike and component manufacturers are eager to shout from the rooftops when a rider wins using a piece of their kit, and press releases regularly land in the RoadCyclingUK inbox saying as much – but Deda Elementi’s effort attempts to steal a little too much of the credit.
“The German sprinter won a perfect race thanks to the unique features of Trentacinque [handlebars and stem] by Deda Elementi,” reads the press release.
It’s the handlebars wot won it!
Nothing to do with a pair of tree trunk legs that wouldn’t be out of place in an Olympic weightlifting competition, then?