New shoes or new cleats?
New shoes or new cleats?
The importance of cleat position cannot be overstated. It’s worth considering that occasionally issues with comfort and efficiency in pedalling can be caused by worn or poorly adjusted cleats, rather than by worn shoes.
Pedals too, are subject to wear, Wall adds. When the spring that controls the retention mechanism has worn out, it can be difficult to prevent the foot from rolling on the pedal. This can be especially bad news for larger riders.
A worn cleat that fails to control the foot can also create knee pain. Hewitt recounts the story of a client who recently visited the shop for a bike fit in a bid to cure knee pain. The analyst quickly identified worn cleats as the source of the issue.
“Because the foot wasn’t controlled, the knee was flying around all over the place and causing this gentleman some issues,” he recalls.
“Sometimes people just need some new cleats, but those cleats must be in the right place and used with the right shoe as a starting point.”