New lease of life
As summer approaches it's tempting to cram in the miles, but don't over-do it (Pic: Media24)
A good clean is especially necessary in winter, but all-year round it should be a top priority (pic: Mike Cotty/Media-24)
Keep your chain in top condition (Pic: Mike Cotty/Media-24)
Update your rolling stock and you will benefit when you are riding (pic: Mike Cotty/Media-24)
New boots in summer will enhance your performance (pic: Mike Cotty/Media-24)
Update your finishing kit to keep your bike looking fresh (pic: Mike Cotty/Media-24)
New lease of life
Getting a new bike can certainly boost motivation, and there’s certainly a ‘kid in a candy shop’ feeling about heading into a bike shop and seeing the beautiful machines on display.
But making the most of your miles in the saddle, be it while training in winter or enjoying the longer hours at your disposal in summer, does not have to make a dent in your wallet.
In fact, while the correct number of bikes to own – as we all know – is n+1, with n being the number currently owned, your old loyal steed can still be of great use with a little loving.
While routine maintenance should never be overlooked, often a little extra TLC can go a long way in giving your loyal steed a new lease of life when it’s looking a little tired and in need of a recovery day.
The great news is that this doesn’t necessarily mean splashing out on new parts either. Here are our top tips for reigniting the cycling spark with your beloved bike.