As promised, I have tried out Mint-Ease massage cream. The perfect occasion presented itself remarkably promptly, both calves becoming stiff and painful following a couple of hilly runs at the weekend.
Mint-Ease is, according to the bumph, suitable for use in self-massage; cometh the hour, cometh the massage cream. It is easy to get out of the tube, a gentle squeeze producing a ready flow of viscous cream-tinted fluid. It is also easy to apply to the skin, a gentle rubbing motion spreading it where required.
According to the pack, the cream is almost exactly 1/3 pure mint oil, which is the active ingredient. It is certainly a highly pungent one, within minutes filling my house with a minty aroma that followed me around for hours. So powerful are the fumes that I found my eyes watering while sat down after treatment.
The effect on the skin is also pronounced. A cool sensation quickly follows application, to be followed in turn by the kind of skin sensation associated with the hotter embrocations. It is certainly pleasant, however, and lasts a good hour or so before diminishing.
On the question of whether the mint oil, or indeed the “skin-friendly cream lotion” that makes up the remainder, actually promotes blood circulation and stimulates lumphatic draining I will remain silent. But in any case a real benefit of a massage cream is that it lubricates the skin, making effective massage easier ( if proper massage without lubrication is even possible) and more comfortable. The aromas and skin warming are surely a pleasant accompaniment and Mint-Ease has both aplenty. And my calves are loosening up nicely, thanks.
Mint-Ease is available in a 150ml tube for £7.65 from www.mint-ease.co.uk. Mint-Ease roll-on, oil and skin care products are also available.