Thought you’d seen it all? Rapha have unveiled a limited edition coffee machine to celebrate the high-end manufacturer’s ever-growing family of Cycle Clubs.
The Rapha Cycle Club is a global series of pop-up café/shops for road riders and stainless steel coffee machine, limited to 200 and yours for €1,700, features an engraving of the Rapha H-Van silhouette graphic and Cycle Club logo.
It’s true to say this isn’t any old coffee machine; it’s the flagship Premium Plus model, the same used for a commemorative Giro d’Italia centenary edition in 2009, from Rocket Expresso.
The words of two-time Tour de France winner and five-time Giro champion Fausto Coppi are engraved on a plate, which also features the machine’s limited edition number, on the front: ‘OGGI CI DAREMO UNA BOTTA’ or ‘We’ll give ourselves a kick up the backside today’.
Features include a milk wand with steam nozzle, thermo siphon system, nickel plated boiler with lead-free brass end plates for increased thermal retention, a Sirai pressure stat and a water reservoir with a low-level indication warning system, while the hot water outlet allows for all degrees of coffee strength and consistency.
The machine is available directly from Rocket Expresso. Contact them by e-mail ( or telephone (+39 02 910 910 10) for more information.