While you should be well prepared physically by this point, you should also think about your final logistical preparations to avoid any unnecessary stresses in the final few days that can impact your rest and performance on the day.
Your transport should be sorted now but travelling can be stressful so think about anything you can do to make this a little easier. Not everyone can travel in the luxury of a Tour rider but small things like a travel pillow, ear plugs and an eye mask can help maximise your rest before the big day.
If you’re travelling by air ensure you pack your bike well to avoid any damage in transit and as soon as you arrive give the bike a good check over and ideally go for a short spin both to test out the bike and to loosen off the legs after travelling.
Alternatively, try to travel with a couple of days to spare before the Etape, giving yourself the luxury of a full rest day afterwards and time to get in an easy ride the day before to prepare.
Be prepared!
You should have the necessary low gears fitted by now and hopefully will have taken our advice on having a bike service in the last few weeks but there will be a ‘start village’ with bike shops for any last minute disasters.
Likewise, in the mountains you can never be sure what the weather will do so you need to prepare for either extreme heat or bad weather. Pay close attention to the weather forecast and don’t forget your sunscreen, wet weather gear and spares.
Part of the tapering period will be taken up by travel to the event, whether you’re flying or driving to the Alps it’s important to make wise food choices in this period. If you are particularly sensitive to unusual foods it can be worth preparing your own food and drink to travel with.
Hydration is particularly important if it is hot in the Alps and with air travel it’s easy to dehydrate so ensure you have plenty of water available and avoid too much alcohol or caffeine while travelling.
Sports drinks either made from powder preparations or pre-mixed can be useful in the last few days to help to take care of your hydration and also provide some extra carbohydrates.