Prevention is often recommended as a more effective method of attaining good health than cure. The same applies to bicycles.
Allowing your trusted steed to decompose for want of a few, simple post-ride checks, or a regular and thorough cleaning regime, can be short-sighted indeed, leading to hefty bills when the time comes to admit defeat and surrender its rusted remains to the tender ministrations of the mechanic at your local bike shop.
Who better then to ask for five top tips on how to keep your bike in good shape than a man who earns a living from those who don’t? We asked Andy Phillips, mechanic at independent bike shop, Ride, for five of the best ways to keep your bike – and your wallet – in good health.
Experienced riders will doubtless have their own preventative measures too. If you have any tried and trusted methods for staying on the road and out of the workshop, share them below or in the RCUK Forum.