Standing – pulling and pushing with the upper body
Once you are standing up, the natural ‘pairing’ of the down stroke push with the driving leg and a pull on the bars on the same side becomes more apparent. Notice too, that as you pull on one side of the handlebars you are able to push away on the opposite side. The push and pull movement of the upper body leads the movement, shifting your bike across and underneath your torso so that it leans from one side to the other. Your ‘core’ (or torso) should remain fairly still and stable, poised over the bike with your hips hovering over your saddle whilst the bike moves under you.

A common mistake when riding out of the saddle is for the body to bob up and down and for the bike to remain vertical. Ensuring that you practice with a slight incline and ‘over gearing’ should help you avoid falling into this trap. The load should be enough that you have to use your upper body when you stand.