I’ve been testing a pair of BBB’s Arriver sunglasses on my daily 30-mile commute for over a month.
Before trying them, I’d assumed from a retail price of £26.99 that they would be ill-fitting and easily fogged. Additionally, I’d never been one for wearing sunglasses in the dark of winter. I was, however, pleasantly surprised on all counts.
The Arriver sunglasses feature a single polycarbonate lens for protection, with 100 per cent UV protection, and interchangeable polycarbonate lenses (three in total – clear, yellow and smoke).

Because of the season, I’ve been switching between the clear and the yellow lenses, depending on the weather conditions have thrown at me. They’re very easy to switch, unlike many sunglasses, which can often be fiddly to change at the side of the road. The nose bridge comes out readily, allowing you to pop out the lens and clip in the lens of your choice.
The fit for me was perfect, but this may not be the case for those with differently shaped faces. I was slightly disappointed by the rubber nosepiece, which didn’t offer much flex and reverted a little too readily to the factory position. It was fine for my ‘honk’, but may not suit others.
The frame material is Grilamid, which proved light, flexible, and durable, and offered a level of comfort that made me forget I was wearing glasses. As might be expected from even the most affordable glasses, the arms were equipped with anti-slip rubber inserts, which ensured the Arrivers stayed put.
I can honestly say I’ve been converted to the concept of wearing clear lenses in the dark to protect against road spray, and against the windy conditions that too often left me with watering eyes on descents and during ‘full gas’ efforts on flat roads. Much of this conversion is owed to the Arriver, perhaps not the most sophisticated glasses on the market, but far from the most expensive and durable, comfortable, and easy to get along with.
The BBB BSG-36 Arriver glasses are available in four different frame colours (black, white, red, and chrome), each with three lenses (clear, yellow, and smoke) and cost £26.99.