
Rides News

Bike theft

Just in case you missed this on the BBC news yesterday… Thanks to for this story…

Kingston may be the country’s bike theft hotspot but the ‘Most travelled man in history’ has had his bike stolen in Portsmouth

German cyclist Heinz Stucke started cycling around the world in 1962. And he’s still going. Sort of. He’s now without a bike. His distinctive 3-speed touring bike – it has two-handlebars – was stolen at the weekend. UPDATE: bike found abandoned on Tuesday, returned to a grateful Stucke…

He’s cycled 335,000 miles and been beaten and shot at but but has never had his bicycle stolen. Until now.

Stucke told the Portsmouth News:
“I always sleep with my tent door open so that I can see [the bike]. I woke up at 3am and I immediately thought ‘I must check my bike’ – like I always do. But when I looked outside, it was gone.”

The stolen bike is black with two sets of handlebars (?!) and is covered with stickers from around the world. Stucke also rides with a Bike Friday but on this trip he brought his original bike, used since 1962. There’s a large pic of the bike, and the man, here:

And a biography of Stucke here:

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