Do you have an opinion about what is good or bad about Public Rights of Way (PROW)?
Have you visited / ever thought of visiting Rutland? If so, Rutland County Council Highways Department (responsible for PROW) want to hear from you as they are putting together an Improvement Plan that will identify any changes that need to be made to develop the network.
Rutland has a strong equine history, is on and close to some long distance paths and rides, and is surrounded by some interesting vehicular routes. Access to the county is good – with the A1 passing through. Visitors are well served with places to stay and take refreshment. More Tourism info is available at
Head of Highways, Malcolm Ainley, says,
“It is important that anybody who is interested in the PROW in Rutland forward their views. This does not mean that we only want to hear from the many people who currently use the PROW Network. We want to know why people don’t find time to enjoy the countryside and whether we can do anything that will encourage them to do so.”
Mr. Ainley added, “The Improvement Plan will be the main method by which the Council will identify changes that need to be made, in respect of the management and improvement to the county PROW network and to countryside access in general.”
The first stage in preparing the plan will be to assess the needs and desires of interested parties, including those who don’t currently get out into the countryside. You are invited to complete the questionnaire on the Rutland County Council website
As an incentive we, are offering you the chance to take part in a free prize draw to win £100 of gift vouchers. Further paper copies will be available by contacting the council on (01572) 722 577
Once the results of the initial consultation have been analysed, these will be compared to the existing network and desired improvements drafted. The Draft Improvement Plan will then be put out for final comments before Councillors vote on whether to accept and implement it. The deadline to respond is Friday 24 March 2006.