Time is running out if you want to have your input as a cyclist into the Strategic Rail Authority’s Cycling Policy: The deadline for policy feedback is July 14th.
Whether you’re a train-hopping commuter, park your bike at a station or simply use the train to get to diffferent riding spots at the weekend, the Rail Authority’s plans will affect your use of the rail network as a cyclist. The CTC are concerned that while many of the proposals are a worthy attempt to integrate cycling into the Government’s sustainable transport policy, there are also some clauses which look like they’re out to make it harder than ever to be a happy traveller, including severe limitations on the space devoted to cycles onboard and a lack of specified minimum standards to which train companies should adhere.
You can check out the cycling policy for yourself here
and send your responses to Elliott Ball, Strategic Rail Authority, 55 Victoria St, SW1H 0EU, or email cycleresponses@sra.gov.uk by July 14th and get your opinions heard!