
Rides News

The Peace Cycle

The 2004 Peace Cycle was a huge success, up to 40 riders cycled from London to Jerusalem and brought their message of hope to thousands along the way. A documentary
film following the cyclists’ emotional and courageous journey is now available.


The Peace Cycle aims to publicise the true situation in Israel/Palestine and demand an end to the occupation, and justice for the Palestinian people in a viable and independent Palestinian state. We will ask the governments of the world to increase their pressure on Israel to withdraw to internationally recognised borders and end its incursions into Palestinian territory. We will simply ask for justice to be done

On 6th August 2006, cyclists from all over the world will leave central London and embark on an amazing journey across Europe to the Middle East. Cycling through Europe, they will meet with politicians and public to raise awareness of the 38 year occupation and call for justice and peace in Israel and Palestine. After touring parts of Israel and the West Bank, the cyclists will finally ride into Jerusalem in September 2006.

Places are limited so cyclists need to register soon. Application forms can be obtained from the website

The Peace Cycle 2006 will be a massive display of international solidarity with the Palestinian people living under military occupation and with all those who peacefully work for justice in Israel and Palestine. Our message is that lasting peace can only be achieved by ending injustice and recognising the human rights of all people.

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