Sir Bradley Wiggins has confirmed details of his new UCI Continental trade team – ‘Team Wiggins’ and his desire to tackle the hour record live on TV this year.
The current world and Olympic time trial champion confirmed earlier this week that he is to leave Team Sky in April, after one last shot at Paris-Roubaix, and will then join his new team when UCI regulations allow him to switch in June.

Wiggins will use the new team to prepare for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, with a number of riders who hope to make the squad, including Owain Doull, Steven Burke and Andy Tennant, in the line-up.
Wiggins is hoping to claim a British record-breaking eighth Olympic medal in Brazil next year, and his new team – full endorsed by, but independent of, British Cycling – will be sponsored by Sky.
Mark Christian, Jon Dibben, Mike Thompson, Daniel Patten and Iain Paton complete the line-up for the team, whose UCI licence was confirmed this week.
“Cycling has given me everything,” said Wiggins.
“Now I want to build something to inspire kids and to reach all those people who might be on the fringes of the sport. My message is simple: If I can do it, then so can you.”
Full details of the team’s bike, resources, jerseys/kit, colours and UK track and road race programme will be unveiled in spring – a schedule which will also include an attempt on the hour record.
That attempt will be broadcast live on television in the UK and will see Wiggins join the growing list of riders set to take on the iconic challenge this year – a list which includes Commonwealth Games time trial champion Alex Dowsett.
“I’ve dreamt about the hour record since I was a boy,” said Wiggins. “Anyone can have a crack at and measure themselves against the best in the world.

“We’ve seen cycling grow in popularity over the last few years and I want [Team] Wiggins to inspire a new generation of cyclists.”
British Cycling chief executive Ian Drake welcomed the new team, adding: “[Team] Wiggins represents a great opportunity for some of our most promising young riders to develop their skills and abilities on the road to Rio 2016.”
Sir Dave Brailsford also hailed Wiggins’ commitment to the future of British cycling.
“Bradley has written one of the greatest stories in British sport over the last 10 years,” said Brailsford.
“His exciting new project, Wiggins, will undoubtedly have a lot to offer cycling in the UK on the road to Rio 2016 and beyond.
“It is a really positive move for the sport and further evidence – if any were needed – that cycling is continuing to go from strength to strength in the UK.”
Team Wiggins 2015
Sir Bradley Wiggins
Steven Burke
Mark Christian
Jonathan Dibben
Owain Doull
Iain Paton
Dan Patten
Andrew Tennant