We enjoy a good sportive here at RoadCyclingUK. We love the camaraderie, the challenge and the satisfaction that comes upon completing a tough ride that takes you outside of your comfort zone.
This type of organised, mass-participation cycling is a brilliant way to give your season structure – providing a target to train for and an easy way of ratcheting up the distances you complete, by entering longer and more challenging events.
– Eight dos and don’t for your first sportive –
Many cyclists will complete their first 100-mile ride – a landmark for any rider – as part of a sportive, because the signposted route, feed stations and circuitous route mean they don’t need to worry about anything other than the covering the distance itself. That being said, there are also usually shorter route options for those who are less experienced.
Regardless of the exact sportive you enter, we think there are a few experiences every road cyclist will have when they tackle their first sportive.