Bored of carbon-fibre? Titanium a bit flighty? Then how about a recreation of cycing’s earliest days? Eurobike had several examples, including a couple of manufacturers offering new versions of the classic Pedersen. Sadly, both make the same mistake, copying the complex multi-tube frame and sticking a leather saddle on the belt that keeps the whole thing together. Mikael Pedersen himself, dissatisfied with leather bicycle saddles, invented his suspended woven cord saddle and then designed a frame from which to suspend it.
Joseh Mesicek has been building his recreations of historic cycle designs for long enough to have become a legend in the field, with his ‘Silver Arrow’ ordinary the choice of serious users of these precarious mounts. His latest venture is a recreation – not a replica – of an early tiller-steered tricycle. The workmanship is flawless.