Legwarmers are, as a previous RCUK review of the garment type explained, an excellent and often superior alternative to bib tights.
Being made of a warm “thermal” fabric and equipped with zippers at the lower and and silicone grippers on the top edge, Bontrager’s “Sport” legwarmers would fulfil the brief admirably were it not for the fact that they are baggy around the knees.
The size M examples tested are, in fact, a slightly slack fit all over, feeling as though they were made specifically for the short but bulky thighs of Adriano Baffi. Worse than a general sensation of generosity on the fabric front, however, is the excess material to be found around the knees. Odd, this, since the warmers are constructed using a selection of panels that should permit accurate tailoring, but the visual effect is so unappealing that we dare not show a picture.
So, a fine choice for the Baffis and Nora Battys of this world; for the rest of us, great fabric but a rethink on the way it is cut, please.
Bontrager Sport Legwarmers £32.99 sized S, M, L