So, carbon rim cement, eh? Tubular tyre cement for carbon fibre rims, to be a little more precise, is formulated to provide enhanced adhesion to a carbon fibre rim bed compared to regular rim cement. Quite how important it is for the carbon-fibre rim owner to use the stuff in preference is unclear, ordinary cement having done a passable job until something specific came along.
Nevertheless, there are stories of tubs stuck with ordinary cement coming unstuck from carbon rims, which is not good, so it does makes sense, given the existence of carbon rim cement, to use it on carbon fibre rims.
There are detailed instructions on the Conti website which, on a skim reading, look not far removed from those for the regular stuff with the one proviso that a second coat should not be applied to the rim after the first has dried.
What makes it stick better to carbon? No idea, but the tin does carry a warning in several languages that it is dangerous, no doubt due to the use of a particularly toxic solvent. It does smell pretty nasty and must rank high amongst fluids to be used in a “well-ventilated area”.
We’ll be doing just that as soon as a pair of wheels with suitable rims lands on the editorial desk.
Continental Carbon Rim Cement £18.95 (200g tin), £4.95 (25g tube)