SRAM has acquired power meter manufacturer Quarq.
Quarq is the company behind the CinQo crank arm power meter, currently available for existing platforms such as FSA, Rotor and Cannondale.
As it stands, SRAM offer cranksets with the SRM powermeter while Zipp, acquired by SRAM in 2007, offer PowerTap versions of their wheels. Detailed integration plans between SRAM and Quarq are yet to be announced.
“We are looking forward to the opportunities that this partnership represents for further innovation and integration of bicycle components and power measurement.” sais SRAM CEO Stan Day.
“Quarq’s growth has been impressive and their technology and product base are strong. Power measurement represents a rapidly growing segment of the cycling market and we are very content to have partnered with a leading brand in Quarq, and a technology pioneer in Jim Meyer.”
Quarq founder and CEO Meyer added: “We started Quarq 5 years ago to push forward power meter technology. We have had wonderful success to date and are very excited about joining forces with SRAM.
“SRAM has a long history of innovation and is a natural fit with Quarq. We look forward to further pushing forward power measurement technology.”