Without a shadow of a doubt the most important element of any training program is the recovery time. This is when the body repairs and restores itself, adapting to the training loads that have been put on it, to become stronger and more efficient as a result. Without adequate recovery time no matter how much training you do, and even with the best will in the world, you’ll never see the progression that you’re looking for. Making the most of your time in the saddle means realising this and factoring in frequent periods of low load activity or complete days off the bike.
On easy days, turn the legs over in a small gear for an hour to keep them supple. Use the extra time available in the week for stretching, yoga or massage. Remember, it’s not just about the body either, recovery should refresh your mind and give you the motivation to get back on the bike at the start of your next block eager and excited to push your fitness to the next level.
If you don’t feel like this when you resume to training then it’s likely that you haven’t had enough recovery time. Never overlook how crucial sleep is either, getting enough is fundamental for the correct function of every process of entire the body. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a recovery week is a time to kick back and party. If you really want to bring on the effects of all your training hours then you’ll learn to love your sleep.
Good luck with making your training time count. If anyone needs further ride help or advice then feel free to contact me on Twitter @cottydale.
Mike Cotty