Former Commonwealth Games cyclist Manny Helmot has been awarded £14 million following the accident which ended his career.
Helmot was severely injured after being hit by a vehicle during a training ride in November 1998 and has permanently lost the use of his right arm, suffers constant double vision, is registered partially blind and needs round-the-clock care.
And the 39-year-old, who represented Guernsey at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur but is now unable to work, drive or cycle, has been handed Britain’s largest ever injury compensation payout.
His guardians, mother Rose Helmot and partner Ken Jordan, gave up work to look after him and launched an appeal for compensation.
They were previously granted £9m, to be paid by the driver of the car, Dylan Simon, his insurer, Tradex, and the company’s re-insurers, but that has been raised to just under £14m on appeal.
The previous largest injury claim in the UK saw Wasim Mohammed awarded £11.15m after he was left paralysed by a former friend in a car crash.