The Tour de France is in full flow once again. And you know what that means don’t you? Three glorious weeks of non-stop, televised cycling.
Whether you’re sitting at your desk with a media player in the top corner of your screen, finger poised over the minimise button in case your boss walks by, or if you’re reclining in luxury on the sofa in front of the TV, over the course of July you’re probably going to watch more cycling than you have in the whole rest of the year – because nobody wants to miss that vital moment when a rider from Direct Energie bridges across to the breakaway during a flat transition stage. Imagine missing that. It would ruin your summer.
Of course, with all that cycling to be watched on not one, but two different channels, that means countless hours of commentary. And as any cycling fan knows, with commentary come clichés. We decided to round up some of the most common hack phrases used by commentators, explain when you might hear them and uncover what they actually mean.