Group rides can take many forms: you’ve got the small bunch of mates who head out together on a semi-regular basis; the weekly club run with a route and meet time that has been set in stone for time immemorial; and of course the random collection of cyclists that answer the call when someone posts “Anyone fancy a 60 miler on Sunday morning?” on social media.
But regardless of the nature of your group ride, there seem to be a few characters that just keep popping up. Which of these do you recognise?
The food scientist
Sports nutrition has come a long way, and that’s had an effect not just on the pros, but at amateur level too.
In fact, it seems nowadays there’s always somebody in the group ride who wants you to try their latest concoction – brewed up in their home lab (kitchen) using “only the finest chia gratings, bumblebee milk and pumpernickel chaff”.

They will try to tell you it’s good for you, that it’s like a homemade energy gel. They will tell you it’s supposed to have that consistency and colour.
Do not listen to this person, he or she is not your friend. And whatever you do, don’t eat anything they try to foist upon you. What’s wrong with a good old banana and a Mars bar anyway?